Activity guide - Croatia
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Mila i Lena Mišić, 5.b
Pavao Zebić, 6.c
Niko Jaška, Dorijan Tariba, Elena Holjar i Lina Gvačić, 6.e
Presentation of Primary schoolIvan Rabljanin Rab
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In case of bullying in the school all employees are obliged to:
Stop violent student behaviour immediately and separate the students involved,
Provide help and support to a student who has experienced violence,
Report the violent event: the class teacher, the professional associate( school psychologist or pedagogue), the principal
In case of reporting or notifying bullying among students, appointed professional associates for coordinating activities related to the issue of bullying are obliged to:
1. Take all necessary actions to stop curent violent behaviour towards the student and if necessary ask other emloyees to help, or call police officers if necessary,
2. If the student is hurt to the extend that he needs medical attention or it can be reasonably assumed or suspected according to the circumstances that medical attention is needed, call an ambulance immediately or in the fastest way possible in a way that doesn't harm the student, provide escort by a professional associate to the doctor and wait for doctor's recommendation for further actions and parents'/careproviders' arrival,
3. Immediately after the reported case of violent behaviour, inform the student's parents/careproviders about all known facts, circumstances and actions to be undertaken,
4. Talk to the bullied student immediately after bullying gets reported/notified, or, as soon as possible, in consultation with a doctor, if medical attention was needed,
5. Inform parents/careproviders of the bullied student about possible ways of consulting or getting professional help for the bullied student both in or out of the educational institution with the aim of support and strengthening the student and processing the traumatic experience,
6. Have a conversation with other students or adults who are familiar with the case of bullying that was committed and determine all circumstances related to the form, intensity, severity and duration of the bullying
7. If it is a particularly severe form or intesity of bullying, that is happening during a longer period of time, in a way that could cause trauma to witnessing students as well, consult the competent professional,
8. As quickly as possible talk to the bullying student, point him/her out the unacceptability and harmfulness of the violent behaviour and advise and encourage him/her to change such behaviour and during the conversation pay special attention to whether the student presents any circumstances that would indicate that he/she is a victim of abuse or neglect in or outside of his/her family, in which case the social welfare centre will be immediately notified, and if necessary or suspected of commiting a criminal offense, inform the police or the competent state attorney's office, and the School will take all necessary actions to reconcile students and to create tolerant and friendly behaviour in the school,
9. Invite the parents/careproviders of the bullying student and inform them about the event as well as unacceptability and harmfulness of such behaviour, advise them with the aim of changing such behaviour and invite them to engage in counseling or to seek professional help inside or outside the School,
10. Make official notes based on observations, actions taken, interviews and statements, as well as keep appropriate records of protected data which will be submitted on request to other competent authorities and to inform the School Teachers' Council about the event.